While L and T were gone to the grocery store, L’s mother called from Maryland, returning the “happy birthday” call L made yesterday evening. She had little news save to say that everyone was healthy, and to tell me that she and her husband would be willing to lend us money so I could go to school to get my Linux LCA certification. (I’d told her a few weeks ago that I’d been thinking of signing on to train with Linuxgruven, under their “we get you certified and guarantee to hire you once you are certified, and if you work a year for us we refund your tuition” shtik.) I explained that I’d poked around a bit and found that Linuxgruven had a bad rep among the local Linux user’s group, the company was in trouble, and their job offer could well not be worth the paper it’s written on, so I thought I’d pass on it for now, but keep it in mind against anon. However, I rather doubt I’d agree to the loan anyhow, as L doesn’t want to borrow money from her mother for any reason.
All this is aside from my feeling that I really need to get some kind of Linux experience, and preferably LCA certification, soon in order to make me a more desirable employee. I can’t come up with the six or seven thousand bucks it’d take for tuition and such—not while I’m out of work. Perhaps a trip to Bookstop is in order to see if I can find a book on Linux certification that I think is worth it, and then maybe try to figure out how I can set up the Acer 486 so I can use it as a testbed.
Jesus swallows the polluted lamp. Fnord.