Slightly more progress

Didn’t get the lawn mowed, but I did get both the sill cocks replaced, so they don’t spray, leak, and drizzle water all over creation, and clipped a small elm sapling back out of an antique rambler rose; I can’t poison the tree as I’d like without poisoning the roses too, and I can’t dig up and transplant the roses because they’re too involved in the sapling to disentangle.  I scratched my hands nicely on the roses, getting the cuttings pulled loose and tying up the runners.  Maybe I’ll get to the lawn tomorrow.

Things to do:

  1. Set out the bedding plants (partly done)
  2. Get out the circular saw and claw hammer and chop up the ruined cabinetry for disposal. (partly done)
  3. Get out the chain saw again and chop up some more of the big hackberry in the front yard.
  4. Finish breaking up the hackberry trunk, and help Matt haul off the pieces.  (Requires fixing the chain saw chain.)
  5. Figure out why the rain barrel overflow pipe is leaking, and fix it.
  6. Stretch the wire for the compost pen. (partly done)
  7. Pick up the windfall twigs and branches and put them in the woodpile.
  8. Mow and rake the yard.
  9. Write copy for Waring Stuph items, so I can list them out.
  10. Clean new Waring Stuph stock.
  11. Hang the window screen that’s been on sawhorses in the back yard for a year and a half.
  12. Build the pipe trellis to go in front of the southeast windows.
  13. Hang the new gutters.

About Marchbanks

I'm an elderly tech analyst, living in Texas but not of it, a cantankerous and venerable curmudgeon. I'm yer SOB grandpa who has NO time for snot-nosed, bad-mannered twerps.
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