I haven’t the faintest idea why, but most often the dreams I remember are ones where I’m naked in public places. Nobody else in the dream ever seems to be bothered that I don’t have any clothes on—nobody ever comments on it, at any rate—and I feel vaguely uncomfortable about it, because I haven’t any idea why I took my clothes off to begin with, since no one else has, but I never find where it is that I’ve left my clothes, and I can’t find any other clothes that I could put on, so I just keep standing around starkers.
Last night’s dream was that I was at someone’s house, although it wasn’t a house I recognized, or anyone I seemed to know. I was admiring the collections of vintage appliances and Depression glass (which were good) in the company of a number of other people, as though a party was going on. I wanted to make some excuse to leave so I could go find my clothes, but never could figure out quite how to do so gracefully, without drawing attention to my lack of clothes in the first place—so I kept looking at the Depression glass, and wondering when somebody was going to complain because I was standing around nude. No one ever did, though; I woke up without anyone saying anything about it, and without ever finding any clothes to put on.
My back yard commanded the Shin Bet of David Letterman. Fnord.