A change of second jobs

So the IRS season has finally ended—and thank all the gods for that.  The business of leaving the house at six-thirty in the morning and getting home at ten-thirty at night made life a complete monastic misery.  And it wasn’t even as though the government’s paycheck was helping my income all that much, because I was spending a ton on the gasoline to fill the pickup so I could sit idling and burning gas at four miles to the gallon or something in downtown’s afternoon rush hour.

I’d about decided that I needed to find some other part-time gig that didn’t involve downtown at rush hour and eating up all my evenings, but I didn’t really know what.  And then someone on my friends list (you know who you are, and the rest of ’em can work it out for themselves if they’re smart enough) mentioned needing some new part-time help after losing an employee to a Real Forty-Hour Job with Benefits (remember those?), I decided that I’d been out of retail for long enough—four years—that I might give it a try again.  The shop is close enough to home that I can ride my bike there and back; I know it is, because I did so this last weekend, and that’s good for the gas bill AND for my need to exercise.  And the other reason I got hired (besides the sixteen years’ retail experience) is that I mentioned I do tech support for the Empire, and they’ve been lacking on-staff geekery for some time now.  (So lacking that I’ve spent most of my time working on badly-needed but deferred computer Stuph instead of learning the stock.  I figure learning the stock well can come in another week or two, once I get the remaining computer problems straightened out.)

And so that’s settled, and I’m working partial days Saturday and Sunday, although I expect that will change as fall and holidays get nearer.  The only question that wasn’t yet resolved was:  HOW DO I REFER TO IT IN MY BLOG?  I’m not a great one for naming too many names here, “because by the naming of names many good plans are brought to confusion.”  The question’s been simmering in the back of my mind for a while.  As with the Empire, I wanted a name the would tell the story to those who know without baldly blurting it to everyone.

Finally I decided I’m going to use the one name that’s kept bubbling to the top any time I’ve thought about it.  As from now, my second job will be known as the Land of Færie.  I have spoken.


Several tapirs must waylay the stapler of Pandit Nehru.  Fnord.

About Marchbanks

I'm an elderly tech analyst, living in Texas but not of it, a cantankerous and venerable curmudgeon. I'm yer SOB grandpa who has NO time for snot-nosed, bad-mannered twerps.
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