And the hits just keep on coming

Today’s “hit” (actually, sometime last night’s) was that the GivingShedding Tree shed another big, dead limb . . . right onto the electric service drop to the house.  I found the mess when I went out to go to work.  Fortunately, the line held under the assault so we still have power, but the weight of the crash tore the retainers and stays out of the wall, so the live power cable was supporting the weight of the limb, and hanging at about five feet off the ground instead of seven or eight feet.

I had a drop-dead deadline to meet this morning at the Empire, so not going in at all was right out, but as soon as I could I got away and came home to try to clear the line.  And of course, the Law of Inanimate Perversity had taken hold of the chain saw, and it wouldn’t start for love nor money, and I had to go rent a saw.  That one did start, once I figured out the right sequence of buttons to push before yanking on the starter, and I got the line clear in about thirty minutes.  Now I have big hunks of branch lying all over the back yard, but I can cut them up on the table saw more or less at leisure.  The baleboosteh’s electrician friend Rob, who rescued us during the kitchen lighting adventure, is coming over Saturday to see how much it’ll cost to re-attach the line to the house, which I’m not qualified to do.  (I don’t fool with that caliber of ’lectricities.)

In other news, the POD-equivalent is being delivered sometime tomorrow, so I’ll have to work from home while I wait for their delivery guy to show up, then it’ll be working from home for the next two weeks while construction goes on.  The roofer says he expects re-roofing to take about a week, and the second week will be the sheetrock work, for which we have to have the rooms empty.  This is good; it means we don’t have to break our backs over the weekend to clear everything out before Monday.


A rooster mat makes the underhanded primrose league.  Fnord.

About Marchbanks

I'm an elderly tech analyst, living in Texas but not of it, a cantankerous and venerable curmudgeon. I'm yer SOB grandpa who has NO time for snot-nosed, bad-mannered twerps.
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