Monthly Archives: July 2004

A certain amount of computerish success

When the computer tells me it’s running a temperature, it worries me to give it two metaphoric aspirin. Continue reading

Posted in Færie, Them Computin' Machines, Work (WORK!!?!??!) | 4 Comments

A change of second jobs

As from now, my second job will be known as the Land of Færie. Continue reading

Posted in Færie, Work (WORK!!?!??!) | 5 Comments

Stick a fork in it, it’s done

That should be enough recipes to do anyone for any two or three lifetimes now. Continue reading

Posted in Food and Cooking | 5 Comments

The Oldest Living Volunteer

She was shocked when I said that as far as I remembered, they’d never given me an award. Continue reading

Posted in Volunteer | 9 Comments