Monthly Archives: March 2004

The call from the Inferno

You see, one of those support calls was eight hours long. Continue reading

Posted in Empire, Work (WORK!!?!??!) | 7 Comments

Poison oak and Pledge Drive

I expect I’ll continue referring to myself as “The Oldest Living Volunteer” and leave it at that. Continue reading

Posted in Volunteer | 2 Comments

O. M. F. G. . . .

It fits my philosophy and lifestyle to a T.  (An upper-case T, preferably in 14-point Caslon Antique.) Continue reading

Posted in Them Computin' Machines | 4 Comments

OK, that was good I guess

I got Piet’s oil kinda-sorta changed. Continue reading

Posted in Minutiae | Comments Off on OK, that was good I guess

Washed off and brushed up

I painted Roundup onto the leaves and stems of all the poison oak runners. Continue reading

Posted in Gardening | 1 Comment

A day of rest and flowers

I grabbed my camera bag and went driving around the neighborhoods, taking pictures of flowering things. Continue reading

Posted in Gardening | 17 Comments


I’m surprised to find it’s possible to make a gin drink which I don’t think is plain nasty. Continue reading

Posted in Food and Cooking | 4 Comments

Ye gods, I needed that

The sky was clear in the way that only a Texas sky can be after a winter norther, or for a few magical spring days. Continue reading

Posted in Minutiae | 2 Comments

It isn’t the end of the week yet

I seem to be getting my “radio voice” back as well. Continue reading

Posted in Empire, Infernal Revenue, Work (WORK!!?!??!) | 14 Comments