Not a fun day at all, at all

So last Wednesday night M threw up her dinner. This wasn’t much of a surprise, because she’d been out of sorts for several days.  Then Thursday she threw up her breakfast, so she stayed home from day care and went to the doctor, who diagnosed an ear infection (which I’m betting was subsequent upon a sinus infection) and prescribed Augmentin.

Then Saturday L said, in the middle of the day, that she was starting to feel listless and blah, and came home to take several hours’ nap.  When whe woke up from that, she had a 100.8 fever (which went up to 101.3 a couple of hours later), so I made her take a Motrin to run down the fever before she went back to sleep.  Sunday morning, she lost her breakfast, and spent most of the day lying down or asleep, which didn’t suit M, who was beginning to feel better because of the antibiotics and wanted Mommy to play with her.

Sunday evening I wasn’t feeling my best either, and I had a hard time getting to sleep (often this is a sign I’m getting a cold).  Then this morning T comes in early and says she’s thrown up, too.  My stomach was feeling definitely rocky; I felt as though my digestion had quit working and left me feeling as though I’d eaten too much and was over-full, I kept belching back little sour gas bubbles, my gut was cramping to make me feel utterly nasty, and I had this thick goo draining from my head into my stomach (no wonder it was feeling bad).  So T and I stayed home all day; I haven’t eaten anything all day and drank only water.  I don’t think T ate anything either.

And of course this would be the day I have a one o’clock interview that I just can’t cancel, so despite how I felt I had to get up, dress in interview clothes complete with necktie, and go out.  Blessedly, the interview took less than half an hour to do, and I’m now waiting for the phone call to tell me whether they decided I’ll do for the project they want.  It’s a contract to create emergency preparedness documents for all Texas acute-care hospitals, and will involve lots of writing, some meeting organizing, and I don’t know quite what else.  Its only drawback is that the contract runs through year’s end and no longer, so I’ll be back out in January—but then IRS will probably be calling about then, to see if I want to come back and do tax-examiner work next season.

About Marchbanks

I'm an elderly tech analyst, living in Texas but not of it, a cantankerous and venerable curmudgeon. I'm yer SOB grandpa who has NO time for snot-nosed, bad-mannered twerps.
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