With a seventy percent chance of rain today, I just don’t see that I’m very likely to get the lawn mowed, so instead I took the sharpshooter shovel and went out to dig up some of the hundred pecan seedlings I have growing in the front lawn, most of them overlooked Barretts from last fall. (Barrett is a native variety that bears little bitty nuts, and they’re very easy to overlook or to tread into the ground accidentally while gathering.) I got twenty or twenty-five, but then I started getting cramps in the arches of my feet from pushing on the shovel; yes, the ground is soft after three weeks of frequent soaking rains, but it’s also black clay and heavy to move. I’ll try doing some more later if the rain holds off.
Meantime, I need to call the state employment commission and get signed up for unemployment again; my unused annual leave should run out tomorrow or maybe Wednesday, and there’s nothing but unemployment after that, for now. Would that the help desk job, which one placement agency submitted me for two weeks ago, would come through!
Captain Kirk is the snugglebunny of the laminated kumquat. Fnord.