It POURED today

Today Austin got hammered by a BIG line of rainstorms, that dropped between two and three inches onto the city and knocked out power in several areas, including The Old Gray House.  This ran L nuts, because the UPS alarm went off and KEPT going off because she didn’t know where the OFF button was.  That has been fixed, and she knows where to look next time.

While the rain was hugely needed, and will help, it doesn’t come close to getting us out of the woods.  Even with today’s rain, we’s still minus seven inches since last fall, which is a huge lot.  Gonna continue to be another bad, dry year, I think.

However, my raised bed is still having a fine time and I now have a new crop to replace the stuff that flopped:  crookneck squash.  I sprinkled a packet of seeds across two square feet, and I have a couple of dozen seedlings.  In a few days I’ll have to start thinning, and then go look for some cages to grow the squashes into, ’cos I don’t want them trailing across the yard.

And for some godsbedamned reason, my vinyl-ripping setup is on the fritz.  The problem appears to be on the computer side of the setup.  The ripped CDs all sound like they have a once-per-revolution cut-out, but I haven’t been able to isolate where the failure is.  I’m afraid I may have to resort to reimaging Syd and Pitr both, if I can’t find some other cause soon.


The plastic people are the property of their fnord.

About Marchbanks

I'm an elderly tech analyst, living in Texas but not of it, a cantankerous and venerable curmudgeon. I'm yer SOB grandpa who has NO time for snot-nosed, bad-mannered twerps.
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