For months I’ve been wanting to listen to my father’s and grandfather’s old 78s. The chief hangup was that I didn’t have a stylus that’d play 78 RPM records without ruining record and stylus both. Finally I found a source for styli that fit my cartridge and bought one ($30 plus shipping from Nevada). Now just snap it into the cartridge, and I’m ready to go.
Except I forgot one thing.
My turntable doesn’t go as fast as 78 RPM.
Y’see, by the time my turntable was made (1989 to 1992) nobody but NOBODY thought ANYbody would need or want to play 78s any more, except perhaps for a few antiques junkies who’d be patching together their own Victrolas on their own workbenches, and they could be left to their own devices, so to speak. So my turntable only has 33 and 45 RPM available. No 78.
So now I have two choices: try to find someone willing to recondition/service my old Bogen-Lenco L78 (forty years old if it’s a day, but still has a community of fans and enthusiasts even though the company went out of business in the ’80s) or try to scare up something on Craigslist.
Will it go round in circles? Fnord.
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