Monthly Archives: February 2008

Unsafe at any speed

Sitting at my desk this afternoon, I almost passed out. Continue reading

Posted in Health | 7 Comments

And I thought I was gonna get away with it

I can count on getting bronchitis in winter, but this year I had hopes of breaking the curse. Continue reading

Posted in Health | 1 Comment

Not holding on all that well

My tolerance for front-line tech and customer idiocy is way down, and I’m not filtering my responses worth a good goddamn. Continue reading

Posted in Empire, Family, Work (WORK!!?!??!) | 11 Comments

One can’t complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday.

“Do you know what A means, little Piglet?” Continue reading

Posted in Foolishness, Minutiae | 2 Comments

Now I don’t like fish . . .

I really needed to think of something to do with that fish before it got all freezer-burned and ruined. Continue reading

Posted in Food and Cooking | 3 Comments

I always SAID I’m a Roosevelt Democrat!

You scored as Old School Democrat! Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Foolishness, Minutiae | 1 Comment

T gets changed, too

T has been anticipating her move to managing a larger store. Continue reading

Posted in Family, Work (WORK!!?!??!) | 3 Comments

Schedule changes

This is going to be very much an Experiment. Continue reading

Posted in Empire, Work (WORK!!?!??!) | 4 Comments

Cataloguin’ away

Last week I began the monster job of cataloging our library on LibraryThing. Continue reading

Posted in Books and Bookselling, Minutiae | 1 Comment