This information has been collected from an assortment of source documents, secondary documents, and Websites; their accuracy and reliability is variable. I’ve done what I can to make sure I transcribed the information accurately, and to include sources or pointers where I know them, but I make no guarantees or representations concerning the accuracy of the information contained here. Any information obtained from these pages should be regarded as needing independent confirmation before it is used.
Florene FISHER -- to -- David Glen FOSTER
Gabriella Rose FOSTER -- to -- Colbert FUGATE
Anna Louisa FUNDERBURGH -- to -- Ashley Marie GAITHER
Jerry Lee GAITHER -- to -- Catherine GENDRON
Don GENTHER -- to -- John Raymond GIVENS
Marsha Ann GIVENS -- to -- Ethel L. GRAHAM
Fred G. GRAHAM -- to -- John Guion GREGG
John Guion GREGG III -- to -- Stephen Eugene GRIFFIN
Timothy Joel GRIFFIN -- to -- Helen HALE
Margaret HALEY -- to -- Lida Erin HAMILL
Bernice HAMILTON -- to -- Elizabeth Ann HARLESTON
Elizabeth Cecelia HARLESTON -- to -- Jami Quanette HARRIS
Jennifer Jane HARRIS -- to -- Alice Venelia HARRY
Alphecca HARRY -- to -- Tipton Alexander HARTMAN
Claud HARTWELL -- to -- Steven Judson HAWTHORNE
Barbara HAYES -- to -- Jo Helen HAYS
Kathy HAYS -- to -- Fred Hiram HENSON
Fred Hiram HENSON Jr. -- to -- Thirrsey Alice HICKEY
HIESTER -- to -- John H. HOGG
Martha A. HOGG -- to -- Linda Ellen HOLMSLEY
Lucinda Elizabeth HOLMSLEY -- to -- Mike HOWE
Tonja HUBBARD -- to -- William McGonigle IRBY
Cynthia Lynn IRVIN -- to -- Judy Francis JACKSON
Loren JACKSON -- to -- Loren JENKINS
Lorenda Ann JENKINS -- to -- Ernest Bernard JOHNSON
Estilee JOHNSON -- to -- Anne JOHNSTONE
UP (Alice N. - Stephen Carl ZUNINO )
BACK (Joseph McDowell CARSON - Debbie FISHER )